Turner Hunt commented on Julian Hofbauer's blog post Stop at Hemi Ends 4x - Win11
"Hi Julian,
When date did you purchase your X-Winder ? Thbere was a period when we shipped a handful of defective axis-controller boards that cause the problem you describe, that is, in 4-axis winding mode at the end of the first pass, the carriage…"
Apr 16
Turner Hunt commented on Ayyaz Ali's blog post Fixing of issues with 4X winding
"Please send your G-Code file and Design fiel to xfo@xwinder.com - we will try and diagnose the issue"
Mar 14
Turner Hunt commented on Maciej Gubernat's blog post DHL problem Y-axis wrong direction
"Make sure that your Y axis offset has been measured and input into the designer software. To do this fully retract. The delivery had linear so that the DHL limit switch is activated. Measure the distance from the concave roller to the mandrel…"
Mar 12
Turner Hunt commented on Troy Amador's blog post Software Download
"please email xfo@xwinder.com for more instructions"
Feb 22
Turner Hunt commented on Jeff Schmitz's blog post Z Axis offset does not updating location
"The Z-Axis offset is the Z measurement when the carriage is in the home position (ie, when the carriage activates the carriage limit switch). See this explanation:
Feb 6
Turner Hunt commented on Ana Paula Tamayo De Souza's blog post Stepper overheating
"Can you set the Carriage and Mandrel Stepper Motors amperage at 2.8amps and the DH Linear and DH Rotary stepper motors amperage at 1.8 amps ?"
Jan 24
Turner Hunt commented on Jeff Schmitz's blog post Pre-Wrap
"Pre-Wrap allows you to wrap a covering of your choosing (packing tape, masking tape, etc) over your mandrel prior to actually winding filament on the mandrel. The pre-wrap material would help the final part be pulled from the mandrel more easily…"
Nov 30, 2023
Turner Hunt replied to Cooper's discussion Stops at Limit switch then keeps going. Why?
"Follow the directions in the attached image about Z values and the "banging of the limit switch". Also, make sure you are running software version 4.19. Determine your version number from menu items Help --> About"
Nov 13, 2023
Turner Hunt commented on Kanusha's blog post X-Winder working differently every time executed
"Hi Kanusha,
I'm fairly certain that you have a faulty axis controller electronics. Please return them to X-Winder and we can send you some new ones to get your winder working properly. Thanks. Send email directly to xfo@xwinder.com to arrange this."
Nov 13, 2023
Turner Hunt commented on Kanusha's blog post X-Winder working differently every time executed
"Hi Kanusha,
I'm fairly certain that you have a faulty axis controller electronics. Please return them to X-Winder and we can send you some new ones to get your winder working properly. Thanks. Send email directly to xfo@xwinder.com to arrange this."
Nov 13, 2023
Turner Hunt commented on Kanusha's blog post X-Winder working differently every time executed
"Make all y values + positive in the geometry diagram in the designer software and all Z values greater than the Z axis offset "
Nov 10, 2023
Turner Hunt commented on Emmanuel Kuepfer's blog post Nema 17 & 23 specification and gearing ratio
Nov 9, 2023
Turner Hunt commented on Hande Hanedan's blog post Stuck at line 35
"please email xfo@xwinder.com with your request"
Nov 9, 2023
Turner Hunt commented on Brahm Soltes's blog post Issues with 4axis winder
"please email xfo@xwinder.com with your request
we had a bad batch of delivery head rotary gear ship recently"
Nov 9, 2023
Turner Hunt commented on Jeff Schmitz's blog post Keeps going even after it hit limit switch
"Please see attached explanation and make sure you are running version 4.19 of the X-Winder Software"
Nov 9, 2023
Turner Hunt is now friends with Anas and Roderick Mackenzie
Oct 24, 2023